Hypothetical Songs Wiki


This was a diss track of Ajit Pai, the leader of the FCC, after the vote to repeal Net Neutrality passed the FCC.


FCC Director Ajit Pai

want to repeal what make the internet free

that plan is so strawy

take the idea and hit it on a golf tee

it's as wild as a chigetai!

please hit it with your knee!

keep the internet safe

out of the hands of billionaire retards

Ajit, your plan makes me chafe!

pretty sure Trump threatened to rip you to shards

and threatened to attack with a strafe

unless you played with his stupid deck of cards!

it's obvious they were bribed

what a disgrace to the world

we better have everything you do transcribed

in the dark you will someday be hurled

your presidency will be heavily proscribed

time to get back to the real-world!

Trump, your approval is at thirty fucking percent

you're just screwing anything with the name "Obama"

seems like you don't care about asking our consent

instead just causing major closet drama!

all you care about is getting every last cent

you're causing everyone massive brain trauma!

Mr. Pai, what about George Bush?

he's the one who started this

started net neutrality without this stupid ambush!

you're throwing net neutrality down a deep dark abyss

the internet will make sure you shush

and you better listen to my diss!

Pai will probably live to see another day

but at least he's thrown everyone under the bus

and it's time we make his party pay

make 'em go downhill on a massive schuss!

the amount of people they betray

make that Republican wound spill out puss!

