Hypothetical Songs Wiki

The Roy Moore Diss Track was a song written by Nkechinyer on November 19, 2017, with the intent to support a candidate in the Alabama Special Senate Election being held between Roy Moore and Doug Jones in December 2017. The Song disses Roy Moore, the Republican Candidate, and supports Doug Jones, the Democratic Nominee.


Alabama Senate Election

Roy Moore verse Doug Jones

Jones hold his record to perfection

Moore get in trouble with teenage hormones

spread himself to teenage affection

allegations rain down like stones

Threaten to sue over the fact

you think the news is fake

you can't manage to distract

and it's became a terrible campaign ache

the case has already been cracked

the result is a campaign earthquake

Alabama is typically really red

usually landslide republican wins

can you please think ahead

and save yourself from this man's horrible sins?

It's a shame you let this man head

especially when he offended the bedouins.

He claims we live under Sharia rule

massive pants on fire tale

keeps treating the campaign like an april fool

just get him to bail!

he doesn't even know simple

solve it by sending him to yale!

He claims Obama was foreign born,

last I checked Hawaii doesn't count,

we're just grabbing the popcorn

to watch your donors drain your account

he's as stupid as a field corn,

he should've never been more than a Vicount!

Alabama Senate Election

Roy Moore verse Doug Jones

Jones hold his record to perfection

Moore get in trouble with teenage hormones

spread himself to teenage affection

allegations rain down like stones

Doug Jones might not be swell,

but at least we know he's definitely sane!

at least he does not dwell

he makes sure to ascertain

but from attacks he refrain

just avoids that murrain

Everyone staying out of the state,

the parties should support Jones

They don't typically conciliate,

but they can get behind Jones,

they can all stand against hate

and take Moore down to bones

Doug Jones fought for equality

put some KKK folk in jail

fought the inequality

didn't let them have a bail

Jones has no frivolity

Moore's is larger than a mare's tail

Alabama Senate Election

Roy Moore verse Doug Jones

Jones hold his record to perfection

Moore get in trouble with teenage hormones

spread himself to teenage affection

allegations rain down like stones

